Hey people yesterday was the end of our EOYs.Whoo! Anyway, a recap on the ordeal on the past two weeks.
It was nothing but study, going for remedials, study and going for remedials.Studying at night from 8-11.Everyone was going mental. So we went nuts after our teacher went off with our maths paper.Even Zi Wei loosened his tense fat body a little.He called me a bastard. Everyone went O.o. Zi Wei is getting manly.
Well I've grown from hating my class this to loving it. When I first stepped in, I sat behind Chia Fu and Joshua Mah and based on those two retards, I judged the class.I made friends with Kenneth Tan and I have to say, he's my best friend in class. I thought he was one of those assclowns who was damn serious but in the end my guess was wrong. A true joker and never fails to make anyone laugh with his antics.
There's Zi Wei as well. I was shocked when I saw him on the first day of school. He was much fatter. Then for the last two weeks I saw him eating 6 nuggets and a potato at 1 go.Tsktsk. Well Zi Wei brightens up my day in school because I would always disturb him. Sorry Zi Wei come and beat me up.
Well 2-4's a great class and I have only been with them for 1 year. I only hate uh,Joshua Mah. Fuck his damn hand signs. Always give that peace sign.
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