Hello all. Well its common test week and I'm studying my balls off.
Well I read the news about 57 defenceless people being bombed to death by fuckheads from Israel and I ask myself, everyday people are proclaiming " There is peace in this world" and I think they are fucking nuts. Well, the common thing for women to say during beauty pageants is "I wish for world peace".
Well,I wish for your ass to go up in flames.
Lets see what's happening in our very peaceful world shall we?Hmm, maybe Israel and Lebanon going head on for nuts sake or Sri Lanka versus the Tamil Tigers. We are exterminating ourselves and we are loving every second of it.We shout hooray when masses of people are killed and that brings a smile to our faces. Maybe all of us has an Osama Bin Laden in our hearts for we are sadists who love killing other people.
Maybe we should go back and become cavemen.